Our Gesher (Bridge) experience encompasses three different programs — LIT, CIT, and Junior Counselor — for rising 10th through 12th graders to build leadership skills, gain independence, and enjoy an experience that’s specifically tailored towards campers in high school. Like the rest of camp, our Gesher experience focuses on healthy, active living through fitness, sports, culinary arts, and joyful Judaism.
For an in-depth look at the programs, check out the details below. Have questions? Visit our Teen Programs FAQ for the inside scoop. We can’t wait to embark on this thrilling adventure with your family!
The Leader in Training (LIT) Program is for rising 10th-12th graders.
Join the LIT Program and become a vital part of our camp community. You’ll serve as an assistant activity specialist and mentor to younger campers.
The Counselor in Training (CIT) Program is for rising 11th and 12th graders.
The Junior Counselor Program is an invitation-only program for rising 12th graders who have completed our Teen Leadership and CIT program.
In addition to cooking gourmet dishes, taking leadership roles in camp, and getting fitter, faster, and stronger, teens enjoy special events and programs. Think late-night campfires and song sessions, movie nights, discussion circles, informal hang-out time at our canteen, and so much more.
We limit our teen program to about 40 girls and guys each session. Teens who have spent summers at Zeke tell us that the friendships they make over three or six weeks at camp are often closer and more meaningful than the friendships they make during the entire school year. By the end of the experience, you’ll not only gain new cooking and fitness skills, but also new lifelong friendships with a group of like-minded Jewish teens.
Almost every day, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with younger campers and lead various programs throughout camp. You’ll be paired with a counselor mentor, and you’ll help lead activities like strength training, cooking, song sessions, dance, soccer, and so much more! You’ll also be able to plan some of the all-camp evening programs that the whole camp loves, and hold certain coveted roles in the camp community, such as leading Rope Burn during camp Olympics.
You’ll also join skill-building sessions just like the ones our counselors experience during staff orientation. In these workshops, you’ll enhance essential leadership and communication skills, and build many other key lessons that will help you at college and in future jobs — of course the first of which should be counselor at Camp Zeke!
Give back to the community while building your resume and earning volunteer hours for school. We issue a formal letter at the end of each summer that you can use to certify your hours. In addition to playing sports, joining fitness activities, cooking, and making lifelong friendships, you’ll have the opportunity to give back while having a truly meaningful summer experience.
Want to master the skills that will help you thrive in college and eventually, the professional world? Come to camp! Every week, you’ll enjoy interactive training sessions that focus on “21st Century Skills.” These go far beyond learning how to shake a hand or making a good first impression (though we’ll cover that too!).
So what are “21st Century Skills?” Researchers recently canvassed top American companies, such as Apple, Lego, and AT&T, to understand what attributes their happiest and most successful employees shared. Not surprisingly (to us at least!) collaboration, creative thinking, taking initiative, having an effective leadership style, and being responsible came out on top. We think it’s no coincidence that these are exactly the life skills fostered by the camp experience!
While all campers gain these skills through their summer experience, we created a series of interactive sessions just for teens to learn to develop and apply the skills in camp, outside of camp, and in the future.
I was going to email you around Thanksgiving but never got a chance to…but I think giving thanks is okay during any time of the year, right?
I’d like to say a sincere THANK YOU to you (and Camp Zeke in general) for involving [my son] among other campers in volunteering and helping out so many people in so many ways (younger campers, elderly, etc).
[My son] was applying for [a prestigious national honors program] back in October/November of this year. Many factors were considered, including academics, but importantly, extracurricular activities, leadership qualities, etc. [My son] was involved heavily in the robotics club in school but did not have a particular focus outside of that except for Camp Zeke’s Teen Leadership activities over multiple summers.
I strongly feel that Camp Zeke’s activities helped him receive this high honor and we are immeasurably thankful to you for helping him get where he is now.
Wishing you and the camp all the best. I know for sure that the Camp Zeke experience, both as a camper as well as a teen leader, has left many positive memories for him.
All the best to you, the camp and all the people that make it such a wonderful place for children and young adults alike!
Our campers have made thousands of friendships, millions of memories, and lifelong skills in athletics, cooking, and joyful Judaism. We are proudly supported by:
We are fully accredited by the American Camp Association