Camp Zeke is the first and only overnight camp where kids celebrate healthy, active living through fitness, cooking, sports, fresh and nourishing food, and joyful Judaism. What else makes us different?
Everything we do is based on a set of core values, including being kind to others, building character, taking care of our health, and welcoming new members of the community. Our campers earn bracelets throughout the summer for displaying the camp’s values during the camp day.
We offer a progressive program in which younger campers rotate through all our activities and select a couple of electives a day, while older campers create their day based on their interests.
So whether a camper wants to run faster, get stronger, zen out in yoga, perform circus acrobatics, play soccer or baseball against another camp, or cook impressive dishes, they can create their perfect day by picking from countless options. Our campers go home with new cooking, fitness, arts and sports skills along with a commitment to kindness, healthy living, and joyful Judaism that will stick with them for years after the experience.
Of course, campers also build lifelong friendships with like-minded peers and find role models in the kindest staff, who become friends and mentors for life. After campers grow up in our warm community, they join the Teen Leadership Program and, ultimately, the Camp Zeke staff.
Our campers have made thousands of friendships, millions of memories, and lifelong skills in athletics, cooking, and joyful Judaism. We are proudly supported by:
We are fully accredited by the American Camp Association