Camp Zeke’s culture is a tremendous sense of pride for our staff, campers, and parents; and our staff are the torchbearers of that culture. Our entire team is driven by a deep sense of purpose and commitment to a shared vision for our community. Staff members embrace Camp Zeke’s mission of health and fitness, live our core values all summer, and experience tremendous personal growth while instilling Camp Zeke’s values in our campers.
This is no ordinary job, and it’s certainly not an internship in a sanitized office. You will have mission-driven work, amazing colleagues who become lifelong friends, a management team that genuinely cares about your personal development, and the power to build and shape the entire camp community. By the end of each day, you will be tired in the most satisfying possible way.
We organize regular special events for staff on their time off, including dance parties, board game nights, swimming adventures across the lake, special breakfasts on your day off, hikes on our trails, ice cream trips, fitness classes, and happy hours with wine and beer for our 21+ staff.
Camp is a unique environment where our biggest goal is for everyone to be happy – the staff, the campers, and the parents. We’re convinced that a happy staff is the foundation of it all! If the staff are happy, the kids are happy, and if the kids are happy, the parents are happy.
Every summer we survey our staff to hear more about their experience at camp. Here are some of the things they told us after the summer of 2018:
said they learned skills that will translate to work outside of camp and look strong on their resume.
said they would recommend working at camp to a friend.
said they were highly satisfied with the overall experience.
said they enjoyed the camp’s social environment.
said that camp's senior management was high quality, professional, approachable, and provided staff with the opportunity to grow personally and professionally.
It’s been incredibly rewarding working here for four summers. Four years ago, one of my campers couldn’t go up on the slackline. She cried because she couldn’t do it. We made a commitment (four years ago!), that she was going to try hard, train a lot, and we’d work together to help her find her balance. And she did! She did amazing. She’s grown into a completely different young lady, confident and accomplished. And she’s amazing on the slackline!
You guys rock the kindness value so hard! Thank you for living Jewish values in a true, meaningful way.
Camp Zeke is my home away from home, it wouldn’t be able to happen without the amazing leadership team, head staff, and the wonderful camp staff. I am looking forward to summer 2019!
The most rewarding part of the summer was getting to work one on one with campers on their specific areas of interest, whether that was in the culinary teaching kitchen or planning song sessions or new songs for Shabbat services. My favorite part of those moments was establishing closer relationships with these campers and helping them to become leaders in this community.
I’ve watched teens who were my campers become counselors. I’ve seen kids with self confidence issues become confident young people. Those experiences make it so worth it!
Our campers have made thousands of friendships, millions of memories, and lifelong skills in athletics, cooking, and joyful Judaism. We are proudly supported by:
We are fully accredited by the American Camp Association