Kibbutz Hagoshrim - Camp Zeke - Sleepaway Summer Camp

Kibbutz Hagoshrim

Help Send Israeli Kids to Camp This Summer


Since the tragic day of October 7, children in Israel have experienced loss of family and friends. They have encountered unfathomable challenges that span far beyond their years. Imagine being an Israeli kid, and all the stress that the last few months have entailed then, imagine being given the opportunity to go to Camp Zeke.

This year, we have been accepting campers from Israel who have limited financial resources. We have been providing significant scholarships, and we need your help now to reach our fundraising goal of $97,664.

In the last few weeks, Camp Zeke was approached by Kibbutz Hagoshrim in the Upper Galilee of Israel to host a group of their kids this summer. Due to the relentless Hezbollah rocket barrages, these families have been torn from their homes and their daily routines have been upended.

“Our kids lost the stability of home, their connection with their friend group, and regular teen life routines. Living away from home, in crowded conditions, creates challenges that are especially difficult for teens. They are now experiencing loneliness, a lack of purpose and belonging” 

-A Camper’s Mom

These kids need to get away from the rockets and spend time just being kids.

We need your help to raise $97,664 to welcome these displaced Israeli kids to Camp Zeke and fund the significant scholarships we have already given to a number of other Israeli campers (along with many other families this year). This work is only possible thanks to the generosity of individuals like you.

The Give Camp Fund has generously made a lead contribution of $10,000 towards our goal and the Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest is providing $5,000. We now need your help to make up the rest.

This is your opportunity to have a direct impact on a camper’s life.

If you’d like to discuss this campaign and how you can make a difference, you can reach our founders directly by emailing or calling 212-913-9783.

Please make a gift today to enable us to bring these kids to camp this summer and give them an amazing experience filled with safety, calm, joy, friendship, and a much-needed respite after a very difficult year.

We only have a few short weeks to reach our goal. Over the next few days and weeks, you may receive a call from one of our team members about this campaign. If you haven’t already given, feel free to give over the phone! They will be happy to help you make a difference.



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